Board Meeting
Regular meeting called to order at 7:01 pm on Monday, July 22, 2024 following a work session that began at 6:30pm. The meeting was held at Blue Valley Sportsman Club with a live Zoom meeting feed. Board secretary Andrea Buller present via Zoom. Board members present: Buck McNichols, Brenda Kellen, Mark Nelson, and Jeff Powell. Board present via Zoom: None. Board absent: Tim Vermeer. Guests present in person; Jochen Grauer, Dennis Cunningham, Flipp Brumm, Kade Sessions, Patryk Wiszowaty, Todd Nelson, and Megan Pritt. Present via Zoom; Billy Walker, Matt Goldstein, and Tom Kellen.
Review and Approval of Minutes of Previous Meeting(s) – Mark moved to approve minutes from April meeting. Brenda seconded. All in favor. Motion carried.
Water Operator
- O&M Report as provided by Jochen Grauer with Water Solutions
- WSI staff read the district water meters on June 17th. The misreads, zero reads and high usage reads have been noted.
- WSI responded to and facilitated the repair of two main breaks so far in 2024.
- WSI sampled for multiple contaminates so far for calendar year 2024 per the district’s CDPHE monitoring schedule. All completed sampling is within CDPHE limits. Any contaminant detected will be in the Annual Consumer Confidence Report.
- Lead and Copper sampling for 2024. WSI will reach out to the homeowners who are required to sample to explain procedure and assure completion.
- The Lead and Copper Rule has been revised and will require an inventory of distribution materials among other revisions. With multiple Rule revisions CDPHE has contracted with a firm that will assist with the distribution survey, free of charge to the district. WSI will continue to implement the Primary Drinking Water Regulations and revisions for district compliance.
- WSI met with a representative from the CDPHE to complete the Sanitary Survey in January.
- CDPHE has a new rule requiring backflow testing to be done by a licensed plumber. This should not affect the district as we have been using Premier Plumbing.
- Infiltration gallery maintenance. WSI has noted a downward trend of production flow which is now about 40gpm compared to design flow of 90+ gpm.
- Meter Replacement Project – Buck sent info he found to Jochen from the company that has done a lot of work in the area. Buck stated it is a fraction of the cost the board was anticipating. Board discussed and agreed to move forward. Buck moved to contract Mike Walley to begin meter replacement for approximately 20 known broken meters. Jeff seconded. All in favor. Motion carried. Buck will contact Mike and he will work with Mike and Andrea to communicate with homeowners.
- Tank Vent Resolution – Email from state presented to board in board packet. Board briefly discussed with Jochen.
- Ron Walsh – requested final approval for garage – Ron was not present at the meeting. Jeff will reach out to him.
- Jeff has not received any final paperwork from people requesting refunds. He will follow up with them and continue organizing documents he has acquired.
- Kade Sessions and Dennis Cunningham volunteered to help Jeff with ARC.
River Committee – Minutes as presented by Committee if any – No minutes presented.
- Kade will change gate code on the 1st and will communicate it with Andrea. Everyone is helping with maintaining weeds and things are going pretty well at the river.
- Buck hired Dale Frey and Kim Manguso with Weed Wizards to come treat weeds in the rock pile.
- Kade would like to have the verbiage from attorneys for signs and to get them updated. Andrea will forward email to him.
Engineering Project Update –
- Mark and Buck met with the engineers with JVA to discuss CR1012 water line replacement. Buck asked them last week for an update. They stated they are too busy now to take on this project but could look into it in the winter possibly. Buck stated that the last survey on file is from 2005 so he will reach out to Henry Broadhurst to see about getting a new survey. Mark stated he has some contacts he may be able to reach out to but everyone is so busy and it is hard to get anyone if not already scheduled.
- Augmentation Amendment - The amendment to the augmentation plan was successful with 27 additional taps awarded to the District. Buck moved to remove the moratorium for only the 5 properties located within the District that don’t have a tap and that those 5 taps would be sold at the rate in place before the moratorium of $12000.00. Jeff seconded. All in favor. Motion carried.
- The Board discussed out of District taps. Buck will contact a professional to get a recommendation on what the fee should be for an out of District tap prior to lifting the moratorium on out of district taps.
Spring Road Work Status – Project was done and done well. Mark stated that the Board needs to look at next year’s plan seriously during budget time as scope for the work needing to be done needs to be expanded in the future. The Board discussed the problem areas and potential material needed to rectify.
Kathy Walton – road safety concerns (requested to be on agenda) – Kathy was not present at the meeting.
Public Address
- Dennis Cunningham – asked about plan for materials to be used on roads.
- Dennis Cunningham – asked about the road where water line break had been repaired. Mark stated it will be worked on and improved.
- Todd Nelson – wondering if have heard anything regarding Blue Valley Land Exchange. Buck stated no and that per his understanding it has not come to a complete close.
- Todd Nelson – comments regarding water lines under the highway. Buck asked him to send the information he has to Andrea for District records.
- Todd Nelson – asked about steel buildings in District.
- Todd Nelson – asked about timeline for out of district taps.
Secretary’s Report
- Current Balance(s) as of 6/30/24 – Stand for Audit
- UBB Checking = $ 34,529.44
- UBB Savings = $ 195,721.33
- 2nd Qtr 2024 Interest = $2,622.31
- COLO Trust = $ 197,925.44
- 2nd Qtr 2024 Interest = $2,645.41
- Bills Paid 4/15/24 thru 7/22/24= $127,936.40 – Buck moved to approved paid bills as presented. Brenda seconded. Mark abstained. Jeff in favor. Motion carried.
- ARC Funds
- Nonrefundable Funds (to be used by District) = $ 9,104.46
- Deposits held (could be refunded) = $ 17,430.50
- New Website to launch live ASAP – Buck moved to go live with the new website. Jeff seconded. All in favor. Motion carried. Andrea will continue working on the migration and organization of the website. Any and all input from the board is welcome.
- Website Accessibility Statement – Buck moved to approve the Website Accessibility Statement. Brenda seconded. All in favor. Motion carried.
- Audit Extension – to be signed – Buck moved to approve the extension and authorized Andrea to use his digital signature. Jeff seconded. All in favor. Motion carried. Andrea will send to David Green.
- Consumer Confidence Report (haven’t received yet) – Jochen stated it was filed. He will send to Andrea to be posted on our website.
- Accounts to Certify with County (letters sent by 7/31 if any) – Andrea does not intend to certify any accounts at this time as a courtesy to the home owners who are delinquent but will keep a close on on the past due accounts.
- Snow Plowing RFP (to be published in Sept for Oct meeting) – No changed needed so Andrea will publish same as last years.
Buck moved to adjourn the meeting at 8:25 pm. Brenda seconded. All in favor. Motion carried. The next regular meeting is scheduled for October 7, 2024.
tsmen Range
Meeting @ 7:00pm